Let us (virtually) assist you!

Buying or selling a home long distance can be tough. That’s why The Hartley Group is here to help. We work with out of town buyers, sellers and families looking to relocate.

We are sensitive to a variety of personal needs and ready to assist you in any capacity, wherever you may be!  We offer our clients a wide range of options to ensure the safe handling and care you deserve.

When you work with our group, you can make a virtual appointment or view listings via…

  • Zoom
  • Facetime
  • Facebook Video
  • Skype
  • Webex
  • And more!

Additionally, for your safety and convenience, almost ALL signings and transactions can be handled 100% online.* Contact us today to discuss what best suits your needs and to get started.

*Signing closing signatures cannot be made online. These one-time closing signatures will have to be made in person.

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